This remedy is designed for the child (or adult) who finds the activity of time away from home, the energy of a stressful schedule, unsettling, and the up and downs of life taxing. Isha Lerner, creator of the Power of Flower Healing essences, has used this formula regularly to assist with her busy travel schedule. She wouldn't leave home without it! Its uplifing and gentle essence is beautifully paired with Shooting Star so that we may never forget the origins of our destiny. Gentle and strong ~ Loving and Directed.
Contains: Buttercup, Mariposa Lily, and Shooting Star
Happy Child Flower Essence Blend
Contains: Buttercup ~ Mariposa Lily ~ Shooting Star
This remedy is designed for the child (or adult) who finds the activity of time away from home, the energy of a stressful schedule, unsettling, and the up and downs of life taxing. Its uplifing and gentle essence is beautifully paired with Shooting Star so that we may never forget the origins of our destiny. Gentle and strong ~ Loving and Directed.