About Isha Lerner
In addition to her expertise in Flower Essence healing, Isha is an internationally-recognized astrologer with a deep interest and broad background in Western mythology and fairytales which form the foundations of her prowess as an interpreter of Tarot.
She co-authored the best-selling Inner Child Cards: A Fairy Tale Tarot (published 1993 by Bear and Company) which illustrates the transformative relationship between fairytales and human development. The Inner Child Cards have been translated into eight languages. In 2001, Bear and Company published the companion book, The Inner Child Card's Workbook.
She is also co-author of The Triple Goddess Tarot, The Power of Flowers book/deck set and The Tarot of the Four Elements. A long-time writer for numerous periodicals, including Welcome to Planet Earth, Healing Currents , Planet Lightworker and Children of the New Earth, she has also been a guest columnist for several newspapers and journals and has twice appeared on the New Dimensions Radio program.The foundations of Isha's work go back to 'out of body events' and an ongoing mystical communion with Nature she experienced during childhood. Her discovery of the pioneering work of Robert Monroe (1915-1995) and his book, Journeys Out of the Body, resulted in a profound healing and triggered a lifetime of passionate exploration of metaphysics and mysticism.
While living in the Hawaiian Islands in her late teens and early twenties, Isha pursued her fascination with Nature. While backpacking on the island of Kauai in 1975, she heard for the first time about the Findhorn Foundation community in Northern Scotland whose work—focused on a three-way cooperation between human beings, Nature, and the Divine—was soon to bring it international renown. Three months later, a series of powerful synchronicities had her winging her way to Scotland where she lived and worked in the Foundation for three and a half years.
Isha’s work is deeply rooted in the soil of those early years of inner and outer journeying and the experiences of global connectedness they provided. Her intensive understanding and experiences with 'out of body' and para-normal states of consciousness lives at the root of her compassionate work as teacher and healer. Her many years of work within this field has inspired her to research the 'meaning of incarnation and evolution' through past life research and the study of 'stories' i.e. the mystical meaning of fairy tales and myth. She is currently writing two new books that will offer more information and guidance in these areas.
Isha’s work has bridges across countries and cultures.
Isha lives in Eugene, Oregon where she raised three daughters and, in addition to her work, enjoys the blessing of being a Nana to Francesa, Kingston, Kora, Ari, and Nino.