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Conquering Fear Blend



During the process of development, be it birth, an early child experiences, or in later life, we are presented with a variety of experiences when we feel unsafe, worried, or paralyzed with a feeling of inner terror. This feeling of fear/pain is isolating and debilitating, leading to an unstable foundation. Conquering Fear Blend opens the solar plexus center of the body, the area directly above the naval that governs self-confidence, courage, and a willingness to face the world and be seen. This area within the body, when in fear, holds the tightness we often feel when we are frightened. It’s responsible for what we call “butterflies” in the tummy, stomach aches that accompany emotional imbalance, and a closing down of self worth. Conquering Fear Blend gently floods light into this tightly held body area, freeing the body of the restrictions of fear that prevent the freedom of courage and happiness. It melts away frozen concepts of memory that are time lapsed within the field of the body and helps one to ‘let go.’ This blend is soothing, gentle, and yet profoundly helpful.


Includes: Yellow Monkey Flower, Glacier Lily, Sunflower, Dandelion

Conquering Fear Blend

  • Includes: Yellow Monkey Flower ~ Glacier Lily ~ Sunflower ~ Dandelion


    Conquering Fear Blend opens the solar plexus center of the body, the area directly above the naval that governs self-confidence, courage, and a willingness to face the world and be seen. This area within the body, when in fear, holds the tightness we often feel when we are frightened. It’s responsible for what we call “butterflies” in the tummy, stomach aches that accompany emotional imbalance, and a closing down of self worth. Conquering Fear Blend gently floods light into this tightly held body area, freeing the body of the restrictions of fear that prevent the freedom of courage and happiness. 

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