Cat’s Ear flower essence, also known as Star Tulip, is an exquisite flower remedy for gently opening intuition and sensitivity. It is especially beautiful for those who live with extreme perceptions of the vulnerabilities of life.
Cat's Ear Flower Essence
Cat’s Ear flower essence, also known as Star Tulip, is an exquisite flower remedy for gently opening intuition and sensitivity. It is especially beautiful for those who live with extreme perceptions of the vulnerabilities of life. It is a great essence for those who council others with acute awareness and skill. Cat’s Ear stimulates the Ajna Center, or, sixth chakra, also known as the Third Eye. It stimulates visions and dreams allowing for attunement with the subtle energies that surround the physical world.This is a beautiful essence to take when pursuing work as an intuitive, writer, and counselor.
Latin: Calochortus tolmiei