In my work as an astrologer, flower essence practitioner, tarot consultant and author, I’ve had the wonderful opportunity to work with thousands of clients across the globe. In doing this work the ‘embodiment principle’ has been paramount assisting individuals to retrieve a safe home within the body, the temple of the soul. Within this precious temple exists an intricate human design consisting of layer upon layer of karmic imprints, memory, cellular DNA, family origins, and an extraordinary energy system know as Chi, or, the Universal Field of Light. This magnetic flow of vital-force feeds all aspects of body, mind, spirit, and soul, and in my work I’ve worked with various aspects of Universal Energy and Vibrational Healing, particularly flower essences. In this article I want to discuss Chakras and the Human Body. In part two I will add the flower essence associated to each chakra.
The chakras appear in many wisdom traditions, but have been studied most intensely in the schools of yoga and tantra. More and more people are becoming aware of the existence of these sacred healing centers and the life force inextricably linked with them. The is life force-known by many names such as Prana, Chi, Holy Spirit, Kundalini, Manna, Tao, and Body Matrix-can be worked with and cared for just like any other part of the human body. As we align with this energy, our relationships with life, nature, and our bodies improve.
Ancient depictions of the chakra system show the life force in the form of a coiled serpent at the base of the spine. Various yogic techniques and exercises help practitioners to activate this potent spiritual energy. The seven chakras are located along the central channel corresponding to the spine in the physical body. This energetic pathway is also known as the ‘Rainbow Bridge’, a living link between Heaven and Earth. The martial art known as Tai Chi means, rainbow energy, and assists one to harmonize the entire body and fill it with Living Light.
The seven chakras move upward throughout the body in the color sequence of the rainbow. Each of the seven chakras is associated with a particular organ of the body, creativity, emotion, spiritual energy, and Chi. I will also connect each chakra to its Sanskrit name and meaning, an element, and certain sensory as well as psychological functions of the individual.
I’ve connected various flower essences to each vital chakra for healing purposes. See our 7 Chakra Blends in out shop to learn more.
First Chakra: Located at the base of the spine and the back of the knees. Its Sanskrit name is Muladhara, meaning, “root support.” It is associated with the color red, the element of earth, and the sense of smell. This Chakra connects one to the earth and reveals patterns related to issues of insecurity, fear, greed, safety, and prosperity.
Second Chakra: Located between the pubic bone and the naval. Its Sanskrit name is Svadhishthana, meaning “dwelling place of the self.” It is associated with the color orange, the element water, and the sense of taste. This chakra aligns a person with the procreative organs, the pelvis, the sacrum, and the soles of the feet. The patterns of imbalance associated with this energy center are creative stagnation, fear, sterility, lust, inertia, and unconscious somatic memories.
Third Chakra: Located in the solar plexus, the lumbar spine, and the umbilicus. Its Sanskrit name is Manipura, meaning “city of jewels.” It is associated with the color yellow, the element fire, and the sense of sight. This chakra is also associated with digestion. The key patterns of imbalance are anger, self-denial, lack of integrity, inertia, and an inability to take leadership.
Fourth Chakra: Located between the shoulder blades, the heart region, and the palms of the hands. Its Sanskrit name is Anahata, meaning “unstruck.” It is also known as the Heart Chakra. It is associated with the color green, the element air and the sense of touch. This chakra connects the respiratory and circulation systems with emotions. The key patterns of imbalance associated with this chakra are over attachment and neediness, an inability to receive, emotional paralysis, feelings of abandonment, sexual dissatisfaction, and conditional love.
Fifth Chakra: Located at the back of the neck and the throat region. Its Sanskrit name is Vishuddha, meaning “pure.” It is also known as the Throat Chakra. It is associated with the color blue, the element ether or space, and the sense of hearing. This chakra affects communications and speech patterns. Patterns of imbalance include unresolved grief, fear of judgment, speech impediments, and all hindrances related to self-expression and inspiration.
Sixth Chakra: Located on the forehead between the eyebrows. Its Sanskrit name is Ajna, meaning “command” or “perception.” This area is also known as the Third Eye. It is associated with the color indigo/cobalt. It transcends the elements and physical sense, for it opens the gateway to cosmic attunement. It invigorates the cerebellum. Patterns of imbalance include lack of vision and imagination, and an inability to connect with devotion and higher love.
Seventh Chakra: Located at the top of the head. Its Sanskrit name is Sahasrara, meaning “thousand-petaled.” It is also known as the Crown Chakra. It is associated with the color violet, and reaches beyond space and time into the highest realms of the infinite and eternal. It controls the cerebral cortex and opens one to very high spiritual vibrations. Patterns of imbalance include self-delusion, escapism, lack of clarity, and a tendency to glamorize the spiritual world or indulge in spiritual materialism.
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